Wednesday 2 March 2011

Anakku 'autistik'....

Salah satu sbb mengapa aku terpanggil utk express feelings, experience (not much though), hope and anticipation on this predicament...but whatever that is, aku bersyukur kepadaNya kerana dikurniai seorang 'anak istimewa' yang membuatkanku semakin ingin menjadi manusia yg lebih mengingati kebesaran dan kekuasaanMu Ya Allah...

Ameer Luqman, the 2nd out of 3...has fascinating, cheerful personality I must say...kami menggelarkan dia 'hensem'...lirikan mata yg menawan...sebaris gigi yg agak 'cute' (that's his two Bugs Bunny-like upper-front teeth) dan sangat 'hyper'...but his unpleasant side definitely - temper-tantrum...temperamental-wise is sort of heredity...from who? ME! (Yes...i can easily get temperamental then...but after i got married it depends on occasion and timing...thank you hubby!)...tantrum-wise (and this is NOT a normal children's tantrum) it is one of the features of autistic kid...diagnosed as 'Autism Spectrum Disorder' and ADHD in December 2010, Kaaabooooooommm!!! I felt like the world has turned against me...WHY?WHY?WHY? Tetapi aku masih punya iman..."Subhanallah...jikalau benar kamilah antara insan yg terpilih, kami bersyukur dan redho...namun kurniakanlah kepada kami kekuatan dan kesabaran yg tiada batasnya agar kami dapat memelihara amanahMu ini...manusia sebaik2 kejadian..."

Kalau nak flashback from the moment we discovered something 'different' with Ameer...i think it is more or less sama jer kot mcm parents2 lain yg ada anak istimewa mcm ni...but since Ameer is the second, we always make his kakak as point of references in view of his development milestones...and we have made a wrong decision! I always know that girls and boys are like 'apple' and 'banana'...cannot be compared with each Kakak started talking when she's nearly 3...quite late for a girl but... once she talks...not that she never stop talking but she talks like adults...dan tak pelat langsung!! (but unlike kids with Asperger syndrom laa) So we thought, Ohh! Ameer mungkin lambat mcm kakaknya...kot? But things weren't turn out the way we've 4 Ameer hasn't talked or even communicated with us...and he likes to make a repetitive sounds...behaviour-wise, he refuses any 'changes' in his routine...hyper-sensitive to emotions surrounding him...contoh: kalau kakak/adik dia menangis/kena marah dia pun akan rasa 'tempias'nya dan dia akan turut sama menangis...dan kalau mama dia 'bad mood' dia pun akan bad mood jugak...

Enough goes on indeed...but having Ameer as part of my life has definitely made me a stronger and better person than before (I used to consider myself 'strong' bila mama passed away 11 yrs ago) while he's deemed as 'special kid' now tetapi kasih sayangku takkan berbelah bagi utk 2 orang kakak yg sekarang dah darjah 2 memerlukan perhatian yg tak kurang lebihnya...begitu jgk si adik yg baru 4 bulan lebih melihat dunia yg masih lagi jauh perjalanan hidupnya Insyaallah...

Rabbi Yassir Wala Tuassir Ya Karim.... 

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